Monday, 18 February 2008

iTunes Music converter

Apple recommend that music files for your iPod should be stored as AAC format (view article). After reading this, I converted all my mp3s which significantly reduced them in size. I thought I'd provide instructions so others can rearrange their music library in the same way.

  • Store all your old music files (mp3s, WMAs etc) in the same folder (e.g. C:\Music)

  • Launch iTunes and remove all of the songs - hold CTRL and A, right click and choose 'Delete' (if you are asked to remove files, choose 'Keep Files' - this prevents the actual files from going to the recycle bin)

  • Add a folder to the library - File > Add Folder to Library, then select the folder from the first step

  • Set the import encoder - Edit > Preferences > Advanced > Importing, then choose the AAC Encoder

  • Convert all the mp3s into AAC format - hold CTRL + A, right click and choose Convert Selection to AAC

  • Remove all of the songs again

  • Add another folder to the library but this time, choose the music library folder used by iTunes

  • If you find that some or all of your existing songs in iTunes are the wrong format, it might be easier to convert these as well. Move them into a different location (cut and paste) and follow the above steps. Once complete, you can delete the contents of the folder from the first step.

    If you have questions, let me know.

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...
