Thursday, 20 March 2008

Silverlight - The project type is not supported by this installation

Launch a command window, navigate to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio x\Common7\IDE (where x is the version number) and run:

devenv /setup

If you're using Visual Studio 2008, try downloading the latest Silverlight Tools.


Anonymous said...

Thanks buddy, this sorted me out 100%, I assume it tells studio to recheck for modules/addin etc.

Mike said...

Many thanks

After a reinstall all SL project would not load until I ran your fix

Thanks again


yamroll said...

I can't tell you how much I love you. I've spent the past 5 hours uninstalling and reinstalling components to try and get my Silverlight projects to load again... and THIS is all it took.

Thank you thank you thank you!

Anonymous said...

this solution is suits for sharepoint project as well!


Mahesh said...

Thanks..Thanks very much..this worked for me..i wasted a day for this.

Mahesh said...

Thanks..Thanks very much..i wasted a day for everythings working fine.

Mickey said...

Thanks a ton bro, already wasted a day on this issue.

Anonymous said...

OK I'm the guy this isn't working for. Any other ideas?

I have VS 2010 Ultimate and I downloaded Silverlight like 20 minutes ago.

I have also tried: 'devenv.exe /resetskippkgs' with no love.

Saru said...

Thanks a lot man !!! Thanks in tones

Anonymous said...

I spent severeal night on it and what i needed was just a fucking command line :D
Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how do you run devenv /setup ?

There is a devenv.exe in the folder? I click on it, launches VS... so what?

Anonymous said...

Thanks. It's works.
In my case (Windows 7) i had to run command line as administrator.

Faizel Faker said...

Thanks a lot man. Ive also been re-installing like a mad man. Worked for me.