Saturday 7 June 2008

HTML substring in C#.NET

Getting a substring of text containing HTML tags is more tricky than you think. Assume that you want the first 10 characters of the following:

"<p>this is paragraph 1<p><p>this is paragraph 2</p>"

The output would be:

"<p>this is"

As you can see, the returned text contains an unclosed P tag. If this is rendered to a page, subsequent content will be affected by the open P tag. Ideally, the preferred output would close any unclosed HTML tags in reverse of when they were opened:

"<p>this is</p>"

Here is a function that returns a subtring of HTML, making sure that no tags are left unclosed:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public static class StringUtility
public static string HTMLSubstring( string html, int length )
if ( html == null )
throw new ArgumentNullException( "html" );

List<string> unclosedTags = new List<string>();

bool isQuoted = false;

if ( html.Length > length )
for ( int i = 0; i < html.Length; i++ )
char currentCharacter = html[i];

char nextCharacter = ' ';

if ( i < html.Length - 1 )
nextCharacter = html[i + 1];

// Check if quotes are on.
if ( !isQuoted )
if ( currentCharacter == '<' && nextCharacter != ' ' && nextCharacter != '>' )
if ( nextCharacter != '/' ) // Open tag.
int startIndex = i + 1;

if ( startIndex < html.Length )
int finishIndex = html.IndexOf( ">", startIndex );

if ( finishIndex > 0 )
if ( html[finishIndex - 1] != '/' )
string tag = html.Substring( startIndex, finishIndex - startIndex );

if ( tag.Contains( " " ) )
int temporaryFinishIndex = html.IndexOf( " ", startIndex );

tag = html.Substring( startIndex, temporaryFinishIndex - startIndex );

if ( !tag.Equals( "br", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) )
unclosedTags.Add( tag );

int tagLength = finishIndex + 1 - i;

length += tagLength;

i = finishIndex;
else if ( nextCharacter == '/' ) // Close tag.
int startIndex = i + 2;

if ( startIndex < html.Length )
int finishIndex = html.IndexOf( ">", startIndex );

if ( finishIndex > 0 )
string tag = html.Substring( startIndex, finishIndex - startIndex );

// FILO.
int index = unclosedTags.LastIndexOf( tag );

if ( index >= 0 )
unclosedTags.RemoveAt( index );

int tagLength = finishIndex + 1 - i;

length += tagLength;

i = finishIndex;
if ( currentCharacter == '"' )
isQuoted = false;

if ( i >= length )
html = string.Format( "{0}...", html.Substring( 0, i ) );


foreach ( string unclosedTag in unclosedTags )
html += string.Format( "</{0}>", unclosedTag );

return html;


Anonymous said...

Very useful!

Anonymous said...

We have found a bug, sometimes it goes to infinite loop.

Return html right in if i is greater or equal than length, to prevent continuing in the loop.

if ( i >= length ) { html = string.Format( "{0}...", html.Substring( 0, i ) ); unclosedTags.Reverse(); foreach ( string unclosedTag in unclosedTags ) { html += string.Format( "", unclosedTag );

return html; // this is the added bugfix line by OndraL

Anonymous said...

this function does not work if html contains code like   , etc...